A 38-year old male was arrested on Wednesday, March 11, after a Ramapo Police Department officer pulled him over for a traffic violation. While the officer was speaking to the driver, he continued to smoke his cigarette, as his three children (ages 5, 8, and 11) were seated in the car with him. The driver was issued an appearance ticket to return to Ramapo Justice Court on a later date.
The Rockland County Kids in Cars Smoking Safety Act:
Even with open windows, children are mostly prisoners to secondhand smoke without the ability to remove themselves from dangerous situations. Concerning smoking electronic cigarettes in vehicles, it has been determined that carcinogenic chemicals, including formaldehyde, have been found in varying amounts in the aerosols emitted upon the smoking of such cigarettes. There is, therefore, concern about the potential harm to children in vehicles from secondhand exposure to electronic cigarette aerosols. The Legislature finds, therefore, that local law is necessary to protect and promote the public health, safety, and welfare of children in Rockland County.
§ 349-14
It shall be unlawful for the operator or any passenger in a vehicle to smoke when any child is present.
§ 349-15
Penalties for offenses.
The first violation of the provisions of this article shall be a criminal violation punishable by a fine of between $75 and $150. A second or subsequent violation shall be a criminal violation, punishable by a fine of between $150 and $250.
For More Information Read: https://ecode360.com/15553167
Also Read: Children Watching TV Cooking Programs and the effects of what they eat.
New York is a leader in tobacco control policy development and implementation, with many strong and effective tobacco control policies in place at the state and local levels. The Clean Indoor Act prohibits smoking of tobacco in nearly all public and workplaces. In June 2007, Rockland County passed the Kids in Cars Smoking Safety Act, which prohibits smoking in vehicles with children under the age of 18. Similar bills were proposed in Nassau and Albany counties but did not pass.
Additional Information:
The following states have similar laws with different passenger age restrictions:
Arkansas (under age 14)
California (under age 18)
Louisiana (under age 13)
Maine (under age 16)
Oregon (under age 18)
Puerto Rico (under age 13)
Utah (under age 16)
Vermont (under age 8)
Virginia (under age 8)