Bernie Sanders Draws Criticism for His Remarks

Bernie Sanders Draws Criticism for His Remarks on Fidel Castro
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during First in the South Dinner, Monday, Feb. 24, 2020, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

The leading Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders Draws Criticism by praising the literacy program launched by the Cuban dictator when he came to power.

The favorite of the Democratic presidential primary, Vermont independent senator Bernie Sanders, sharply criticized Monday, February 24, for comments made the day before on Cuba.

“We are very much against Cuba’s authoritarian nature, but you know, it is unfair just to say that everything is bad, “he said in an interview with CBS. “When Fidel Castro took office, do you know what he did?” A huge literacy programs, Is this a bad thing? Even if Fidel Castro did it? “He asked himself.

Democratic candidate got into trouble by praising the literacy program
The Democratic candidate got into trouble by praising the literacy program

Democrats of Florida Dismayed

These remarks dismayed the Democrats of Florida, a disputed state crucial for the presidential election of November and which counts a Large Cuban voting block that fled Cuba after Fidel Castro began to introduce communism then allied itself with the Soviet Union.

“Castro was a murderous dictator who oppressed his people. His “literacy program” was not selfless; it was a cynical effort to spread his dangerous philosophy and consolidate his power, ” replied representative Stephanie Murphy.

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The senator’s opponents have rushed into the breach, starting with former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg. “Fidel Castro has left a dark legacy of forced labor camps, religious repression, widespread poverty, execution squads, and the murder of thousands of its citizens. But of course, Bernie, let us talk about his literacy program,” he said on Twitter. “After four years of horrifyingly watching Trump get closer to dictators, we need a president who will be extremely clear in his resistance to regimes that violate human rights abroad. We cannot take the risk of nominating “someone who does not recognize that” as a candidate, added the youngest of the race, Pete Buttigieg.

Michael Bloomberg has spent $ 509,512,884

Advertising Analytics, an advertising firm, announced on Monday, February 24, that billionaire Michael Bloomberg has spent $ 509,512,884 so far on ad spending. It is a historical record when you realize that the first ballots in the name of the former mayor of New York will not be used until Super Tuesday, March 3, during which fourteen states will vote, including California and Texas.